
Monday, January 11, 2016

New themes! Part 2.

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been lacking on blog post! I have been supper busy and stress with personal stuff. Hopefully I will be able to get back into a normal blog post schedule but for now I will post when I can.

Today I have two new theme's for you.

Theme #1: Yellow and Grey

Click here for THP pdf.
Click here for ECLP pdf.

Here is part 2 of the yellow and grey theme:

Click here for THP pdf.
Click here for ECLP pdf.

Theme #2: Flamingo 

Click here for THP pdf.
Click here for ECLP pdf.

Here is part #2 of the flamingo theme:

Click here for THP pdf.
Click here for ECLP pdf.

Hope you all enjoy. 

If you guys use my theme's please don't forget to post them on my facebook group or tag me on instagram @everybodywantstoplan_

Side note: I will not be taking any more requests right now. I also will not be making any alterations to any of the files already created. Sorry for any inconveniences.